Archive for April, 2017

What’s eating our redcurrants. Update #4

Well, the manure didn’t work (see this post) – about ten days ago, I realised that once again, my redcurrants were being eaten alive. Last Sunday, I started the offensive against the culprit, namely these little critters (sawfly larvae):

There were hundreds of them. It needed several hour-long sessions to kill the majority, which I achieved by donning a pair of rubber gloves and squishing them between my thumb and forefinger. They could mostly be found at the edges of the leaves, methodically chewing their way to the centre. I will venture out with the Marigolds again tomorrow morning.

On a brighter note, the strawberry containers in the front are doing well.

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by EmpressFelicity - April 30, 2017 at 9:31 pm

Categories: crops, other pests   Tags: ,

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